Posts tagged ‘Dance’

Catchy Rhymes and Rhythmic Beats-Meditative Monday Devotional

When I began dancing again, I was in such high spirits one afternoon that I was dancing and moving to just about anything with a gospel phrase  and swaying beat!

Practicing, my dance hours each day… after all one must respect their craft by studying to show one self approved, right?
On this specific afternoon I as my husband was driving and I was happily bouncing along in the car, I  heard these words spoken to me…. Be careful not to get carried off by the music or the beat!

How is it that feelings can change as suddenly as the direction of the wind?

I awoke one morning in March with great joy in my heart, so much so I felt as if I would bust!

So, I jumped up and danced to “Like Never Before” by Shekinah Glory, while tears streamed down my face.

And …. With joy like that I thought all my days of experiencing sorrow were surely behind me:-)

A sneak attack by the enemy out of no where it seems. Confusion set in. Once again, left me wondering….

If other outlets might do the trick?

I searched, but I found them to be shallow and hollow, nothing compares to having the Spirit of God dwell deep inside our hearts( so much so that we are busting at the seams)!

The dance….

The Jackson’s old 70’s tune states….  don’t blame it on the sunshine, don’t blame it on the moonlight, don’t blame it on the good-time… blame it on the boogie!

Not even the boogie, the catchy rhymes or rhythmic beats could stir me this time,  while GOD was making a point;  HE demanded my undivided attention!

And here is what HE whispered into my heart…..

No earthly pleasure can compare to my real joy!

For HIS (Jesus Christ) goodness and HIS glory, for the joy inside HIS story is the reason I worship, my own pleasure is secondary and a by-product of true worship!

Now, I’ve learned to build my hope and happiness on nothing less than Jesus,HIS righteousness, hope and healing that HIS Word brings!

Without God’s Word ( that has HIS very Spirit infused in it) what would I even have to dance, sing or write about?

Heaven and earth will disappear, but (GOD) tells us HIS words will remain forever!!!!

Check out my husband Rev. William Boddie sermon on Sunday June 24th! Then enjoy the song Like Never Before